Adoptable – Rehoming Cats and Dogs is a website set up solely to help reduce the number of homeless pets in the UK by allowing individuals and organisations alike to post free pet adoption adverts. As you’re looking at a website which relates to cats, there’s a pretty good chance that you have a cat of your own. Maybe other pets too. Cat owners are less likely to pay for their pets than dog owners, but people buy them nonetheless, which is a shame.
In the UK, at any given time, there are something like 100,000 homeless pets, cats, kittens, dogs and puppies, sitting in rescue centres hoping that someone will give them a ‘get out of jail free’ card and adopt them. Rescue and rehoming groups do their best to rehome these unwanted pets, some of which have been surrendered sadly by owners who couldn’t keep them, while others may have been abandoned in the streets and left to fend for themselves. Sadly, something like 50,000 pets become homeless each and every year in the UK, more during times of financial crisis. Click here if you’d like to adopt a homeless cat and see if there are any you can help in your local area.
It’s not just animal welfare groups who have difficulty finding homes for unwanted pets, but also private individuals, people unlucky enough to live in an area where the local pet rescue centres are already full. people in that situation often have very few options. is a free-to-use website where pet rescue groups and individual pet owners can advertise pets which are in need of rehoming, and where people interested in adopting a homeless pet can contact advertisers directly, or look for rescue groups in their local area.
Animal welfare groups, whether they are charities or voluntary groups, along with private individuals can feature their pets on the site – the site is completely free for all to use – and interested people will be able to get in touch directly to ask about adoption. Websites like this often get hijacked by puppy and kitten farms posting fake ‘adoption’ adverts, but each and every advert on is manually checked and approved before it is published.
If you’re interested in adopting a homeless cat or dog, please visit the site. If there isn’t a suitable pet in your area, have a look at the rescue centre listings and get in touch with one of them instead. Even if you don’t plan on adopting a pet, if you would like to support Adoptable, please visit the site and click the ‘share’ buttons you’ll find on most pages, and share the site on your favourite social website. Help spread the word!